Episode #358: Subscription Economy Update

subscription economy update

We’ve got a special update for you as a part of our show notes for episode 358 on the subscription economy. For our Patreon members, we always provide a short list of notes that follow along with the episode. We call these “Greg’s notes” — sort of like CliffsNotes but specifically for The Soul of Enterprise. For all readers this week, we are presenting these notes below. They follow the structure and timing of the show so they are great to have at your side while listening.

Here are our CliffsNotes (aka Greg’s notes) for the week on the subscription economy:

Bonus Content is Available As Well

Did you know that each week after our live show, Ron and Ed take to the microphone for a bonus show? Typically, this bonus show is an extension of the live show topic (sometimes even with the same guest) and a few other pieces of news, current events, or things that have caught our attention.

This pas week was bonus episode 358 - Trillions and taxes. Here are a few links discussed:

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