Episode #507: Interview with Brand Scientist, Reilly Newman of Motif Brands

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SHOW SUMMARY: In this episode of The Soul of Enterprise, Ron and Ed sit down with Reilly Newman to explore his manifesto: the powerful intersection of science and strategy in business. Reilly emphasizes the importance of clarity as a driver of growth, helping business leaders make confident decisions that align with their vision. He discusses how simplifying complex processes can uncover opportunities for pure progress and ensure that your business remains a cornerstone of your life. Tune in to discover how clarity not only reveals where growth exists but also how it serves as a foundation for future success and informed business decisions


Segment one

  • At the beginning of the show, Ron asked Reilly how he became obsessed with brands. He loves that design is creative and artistic but Reilly also loves that it has a purpose. 

  • Reilly co-founded Motif Brands. A motif is a recurring pattern throughout a story that reinforces the main story arc. Reilly takes that idea and applies it to brands at Motif Brands.

  • “Business is transactional. A brand is relational.” —Reilly Newman, Motif Brands

  • “If marketing were done perfectly, selling would be unnecessary.” —Peter Drucker

Segment two

  • Financial Cents is having a virtual conference called Workflow Con (for conference) on October 22/23. It’s FREE! Find out more at WorkFlowCon.com

  • How does Reilly define “brand”? It’s a collection of impressions we have regarding a certain entity. 

  • Regarding a CMOs inevitable desire to refresh or change a brand, “Rebranding a company shows effort…but really, are you getting rid of these core assets that have helped build the brand to that point?” —Reilly Newman

  • On the relationship between brand and culture, Reilly comments: “Culture is a by-product of brand. Brand gives a consumer clarity and culture is a manifestation of that clarity.”

Segment three

  • The power of sound in branding, sonic branding, is extremely hard to trademark but there are some good examples. NBC and Harley-Davidson are two examples that came to mind during the show

  • By the way, Reilly Newman has a GREAT podcast called “Brandy” which is about all things brand. Check it out here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brandy/id1737030138 

  • The lifetime value of the customer is often neglected especially with older brands. For example, in the automobile industry. They are more focused on the transaction and less so on the relationship.

  • Ron asked Reilly about his pricing philosophy at Motif Brands. GREAT answer by quoting Warren Buffet with, “Pricing is what you pay, value is what you get.”

  • Name the brands that you truly admire, Reilly: Disney, Apple, Trader Joe’s, and….of course, Costco. 

  • The Professional Pricing Society is having their next conference in Vegas in October. Ron is one of the keynote speakers and you can find out more at PricingSociety.com

Segment four

  • Ed asked Reilly about Starbucks and their brand. In summary, they’ve lost so much in terms of small touch points in the experience. Higher efficiency comes at the sacrifice of personalization.

  • This is on brand for Reilly (see what I did there?) …. “Know yourself, be distinct, and have that clarity.”

  • A big THANK YOU to Reilly Newman for joining us today. Check out Motif Brands and also his book, “Brandy: 101 Sips of Wisdom For Attaining A Successful Brand https://www.amazon.com/Brandy-Wisdom-Attaining-Successful-Brand/dp/B0C9S7Q7Q8 

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