In memoriam Ken Baker
Ron’s brother Ken passed away recently. Ed and Ron spent the first few minutes of the show discussing his impact as Ken’s brother.
Lessons from the Subscription Economy Workshop
UPDATE: “From Fighting Fires to Fire Insurance” - These slides from the subscription economy workshop are now available here.
Ed and Ron recently taught their first workshop in Chicago on the Subscription Economy Business Model. The advantages of this model are many, including:
Predictable revenue
Not selling services, but creating annuities with a lifetime value that far exceeds whatever you paid to acquire them
Collective knowledge of your customers, which is a competitive advantage that cannot be duplicated
One-to-one marketing
Not pricing a product or service, but rather customer transformation and peace of mind
You can predict demand and plan capacity more effectively
…and it breaks down silos and creates a true “one-firm” model.
So what did Ron and Ed learn from the attendees? What were the most salient points they took away from this workshop? There are lots of great points in the recorded show audio that you can use and frame for your own business.
On a related note…
Ron will be teaching a Subscription CPE course the CAL CPA Education Foundation on August 8. More information is available here.
A big thank you!!!
TSOE Superfan, Hector Garcia, recorded a great video with Ed and Ron. It’s quick and full of information. Check it out here.
Business For Good?
Learn about B1G1 in about 3 minutes. Check this video out. Then take a deeper dive into the program with these slides.
Some of you may have heard Ed reference his tooth extraction. Well, he’s not going to be able to live this picture down.