A story
Parent A: “We are leaving 2 minutes
Parent B: “Would you rather leave now, or in 2 minutes?”
Humans are predisposed to idea of choices.
Why do car wash establishments have more sophisticated pricing than professional knowledge firms?
How you price more important than how much you price.
Sell insurance for things people don’t want, e.g., concierge medicine, dentists, termites, etc.
Sell Access-Level Agreements (Assurance) for things people want, e.g., hairstylists, lawyers (accessibility retainers), CPAs, IT firms—keep systems running.
Ed’s Sage white paper: Creating Access-Level Agreements. Download here.
Items to use to build pricing fences:
Response time
IRS Representation
“No Plan Level” puts a price on individual items, e.g., $500 per meeting, etc.
Black Card Level is by invitation only, and if your firm’s highest level of exclusivity.
The Seven Ts Model
Travel (out-of-pocket expenses)
Ad Agencies can use these additional fences
Key elements of program
Degree of customization
Number of elements
Number of revisions
Degree of client help/involvement
Data archiving
CS3 Technology SERV Access Plan.